Past Events (2017-2018)

BESA Flag Football Intramural Sign-Ups
Thank you to those who participated in the poll! We will be putting together a flag football intramural team and games will be on Tuesdays.

Date: Sunday, June 3rd.

BESA’s Summer Carnival!
Join BESA for our biggest event of the year – instead of a banquet this year, we will be hosting our first BESA Carnival! Join us for a night of fun games, nice chitchat and an overall fabulous time!

When: Thursday, June 21st @ 6-10pm
Where: Innis College (2 Sussex Ave)
Cost: $10 (includes access to carnival games, food, and 1 drink ticket)

Register, here!

IBBME Annual Research Conference (iARC) Abstract Review Committee
Join the Abstract Review Committee to help decide who will get the podium presentations at iARC! You’ll rank abstracts within your theme for scientific merit and communication, gaining experience critiquing abstracts and getting official U of T extracurricular recognition while you’re at it! Expected time commitment will be 5-10 hours total from March-April.

BESA Raptors Game


 U of T Pharma, Biotech., and Healthcare Career Fair
Employers from Telus Health, LifeLabs, McKesson, Baylis Medical, and more! 

When: Wednesday, March 7th @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Where: Medical Science Building Lobby

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Information Session
NREL is the primary laboratory for research, development and deployment of renewable energy technologies in the United States. The target audience for this talk is post-docs and graduate students in electrical, chemical, and mechanical engineering, as well as mathematics and computer science. 

When: Thursday, March 1st @ 5:30-7:30 pm
Where: Bahen Centre Room 1160

D. E. Shaw Research Information Session
D. E. Shaw Research is an independent research laboratory that conducts scientific research and technological development in the field of computational biochemistry. Currently, there are openings for scientific associate and post-doc positions! 

When: Tuesday, February 27th @ 6:30-8:30 pm
Where: Sandford Fleming Building Room 1101

Rotman Healthcare Panel Discussions

1: “How Ontario’s Digital Entrepreneurs are Creatively Destroying and Modernizing Healthcare”

When: Tuesday, February 13th @ 4:30-6:30 pm
Where: Desautels Hall, Rotman School of Management (105 St. George Street)
Cost: $25

2: “Entrepreneurial Perspectives on MedTech Strategy”

When: Wednesday, February 14th @ 6-8 pm
Where: Room 1065, Rotman School of Management (105 St. George Street)
Cost: $25

BESA Career Day 2018

… featuring academic and industry speakers, and workshops by the Health Innovation Hub (H2I) and Career Centre. A networking event will follow.

When: Thursday, February 15th @ 10:30 am – 5 pm (Career Day), 5:30-7:30 pm (Networking)
Where: Hart House (Career Day); Prenup Pub (Networking)

MaRS Site Pizza Lunch
All IBBME-ers (at MaRS and other sites) welcome.

When: Monday, January 15th @ 12-1 pm
Where: PMRT 4-904

Ski Trip

In collaboration with the Graduate Engineering Council of Students (GECoS).

When: Saturday, February 17th
Where: Mount St. Louis Moonstone
Cost: $105 for rentals, bus and lift ticket; $75 if bringing own equipment

Welcome Back Pub Night

The University of Toronto Graduate Engineering Council of Students (GECoS) is hosting its 2nd annual Welcome Back Pub Night this Thursday. All incoming and returning graduate engineering students are welcome to join.

When: Thursday, January 11th, 2017 @ 8-11 pm
Where: Prenup Pub (191 College Street)


Friday Night Live at the ROM Join BESA for Hemingway’s + FNLROM!

When: Friday, November 17th, 5:30 pm – late
Where: 5:30 pm @ Hemingway’s (142 Cumberland St.); 7 pm at the ROM (100 Queens Park)
Cost: $15.50 (students); $17 (non-students)


Dodgeball Tournament

Form a team of 5 (or register as a free agent) for BESA’s upcoming dodgeball tournament!

When: Saturday, November 25th @ 12:00-2:00 pm
Where: Hart House Lower Gym
Cost: $10 per team

Blue Jays Game

When: Monday, September 11th, 7:07 pm
Where: Rogers Stadium
Price: $10 (BESA members); $15 (Non-BESA members)

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